Sunday, February 8, 2009


I've decided to stick with the same topic but narrowed down the subject, funny, cuz when i started this project originally.. there were no malaysian's in space yet. :) And we had no clue about the International Space Station project.

So now i'm gonna create a game based on the International Space Station, the station where our very own fellow malaysians participated for the first time in Space Travel.

User requirement and user profile.

I was undecided on the demographic of my user but i knew that i wanted to target young children. So after much thought I have decided on a profile of my target user.


Age: 7-12
Language: English
Latest Education: Elementary School/ Sekolah Rendah.

The Psychographic

Foundation on Space as content: Low/Medium
Computer/Internet Skills: Medium-High
VR Skills: Low
Game Level of Difficulty: Low/Medium
Learning Styles: Visual and Text

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